
My Android app has a ContactsList activity in which I simply display a list of contacts that are on the phone.

Only recently I noticed that my activity only displays contacts synced with my main Google account. I have two Google accounts on my test phone and ideally I want my activity to display the contacts for both accounts (or multiple accounts).

How do I query across multiple accounts?

This is how I setup my cursor currently

Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(Phones.CONTENT_URI, null,
            queryString, null, Phones.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC");

On a side note, I know android.provider.contacts.phones is deprecated and I should be using ContactsContract but I need to build my app with SDK 1.5, which doesn't have ContactsContract

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You can continue to use the deprecated Contacts APIs but they only work with the first Google account assigned to the phone- they will not work with multiple accounts, as noted in the documentation.

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