
I am pretty sure I have seen this before, but I haven't found out / remembered how to do it. I want to have a line of code that when executed from the Delphi debugger I want the debugger to pop-up like there was a break point on that line.

Something like:

FooBar := Foo(Bar);
SimulateBreakPoint; // Cause break point to occur in Delphi IDE if attached
WriteLn('Value: ' + FooBar);

Hopefully that makes sense. I know I could use an exception, but that would be a lot more overhead then I want. It is for some demonstration code.

Thanks in advance!

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To trigger the debugger from code (supposedly, I don't have a copy of delphi handy to try):

asm int 3 end;

See this page:


As Andreas Hausladen stated in comments to that artice, Win32 API DebugBreak() function is less DOS-ish and works equally well.

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