
I need to be able to create recurring events that happen on specific days but don't necessarily happen every week. They could be scheduled bi-weekly, every 3 weeks, etc. There is a current implementation that needs an update and I'd like to use the temporal expressions stuff from runt to redo it.

Runt will work for what I need except it doesn't seem to handle the intervals for non-weekly events. It adds some complexity because the event also needs to capture a start date so you can accurately compute which weeks to fire the events and which to ignore them. I think I can rework runt to do this, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if somebody has already tackled it, or there is a better solution out there. Any suggestions?

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Solution 2

I've decided to build what I needed into runt. I've got the initial support already in (in the way of a REWeekWithIntervalTE class that takes a start date, interval, and weekday or array of weekdays). If anybody is interested in playing with it you can check out my fork. Sorry for not being more clear in my initial question about it being a scheduling issue.


You aren't clear, are you running a script continiously to do this? If so why not use something like "at".

If this is a scheduling application have you looked at:

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