
I thought if I place the Table in a Paragraph that I could use the KeepTogether attribute to keep the table together. The table is used for the totals of a report and the client does not want them broken over two pages. Imagine that! There are 5 rows in the table and I am going crazy not knowing what to try next.

Last line of code:


The output of footerParagraph begins with:

<Paragraph KeepTogether="True">
    <Floater HorizontalAlignment="Center">
        <Table CellSpacing="0" FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="14" Foreground="#FF000000">

KeepTogether ordinarily works, but why not when it contains a Floater and Table? Is there a workaround?


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I had a similar issue, have you tried using a Figure instead of a Floater. For mine I needed to set the Figure's CanDelayPlacement to false.

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