
I've setup an "IDE" based on VIM and NERDTree for programming using FreePascal. Overall, it's working great, but I can't find how to tell NERDTree to change it's default behavior regarding VIM buffers.

Currently, every time I open a file in NERDTree, it creates a new buffer. If the file is already open in another buffer, it could be nice to have a shortcut to just go to the former buffer, instead of creating a new one for the same file. This could be specially usefull for programmers who must go back and forth between files.

Any hint?

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OK, just had to read through my .vimrc (actually _vimrc :-( ) to see why it works for me.

According to the superb but slightly outdated Vim faq, an autocommand helps me:

 au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
                     \ exe "normal g'\"" | endif   
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