
How do I declare the second parameter as optional?

template <typename T>
inline void Delete (T *&MemoryToFree,
    T *&MemoryToFree2 = ){
    delete MemoryToFree;
    MemoryToFree = NULL;

    delete MemoryToFree2;
    MemoryToFree2 = NULL;


I tried several things after the = operator, like NULL, (T*)NULL etc. Can this be done?

The only way the compiler let me do it was using an overload...

    template <typename T, typename T2>
inline void Delete (T *&MemoryToFree, T2 *&MemoryToFree2){
    delete MemoryToFree;
    MemoryToFree = NULL;

    delete MemoryToFree2;
    MemoryToFree2 = NULL;
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You could just overload the function

template <typename T>
inline void Delete (T *&MemoryToFree){
        delete MemoryToFree;
        MemoryToFree = NULL;

template <typename T, typename T2>
inline void Delete (T *&MemoryToFree, T2 *&MemoryToFree2){
        delete MemoryToFree;
        MemoryToFree = NULL;

        delete MemoryToFree2;
        MemoryToFree2 = NULL;


You could always write a simple "on-demand static lvalue generator" and use it as the default value for your parameter

template <typename T> inline T& get_lvalue() {
  static T t;
  return t;

In your code

template <typename T> 
inline void Delete(T *&MemoryToFree, T *&MemoryToFree2 = get_lvalue<T*>())

No this is not possible. You cannot use default paramters with references.

The following code complies fine for me using gcc 4.3.2.

void fn( int*const & i = 0 )
    delete i;

so maybe you could adapt that. You need the *const to permit the default argument. Default arguments are permitted for references-to-const.


Just realised that marking it *const is no use to you since you want to be able to null off the pointer as well as delete it.

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