
I can't figure out how to use Data.Random.Source.IO to generate random numbers in a multiplatform way.

I can generate random numbers in Unix using Data.Random.Source.DevRandom, and there is an example in the GitHub documentation for Windows using Data.Random.Source.MWC, but there is no example code for using Data.Random.Source.IO.

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Ok I have converted the github example to use Source.IO

import Data.Random
import Data.Random.Source.IO

logNormal :: Double -> Double -> RVar Double
logNormal mu sigmaSq = do
    x <- normal mu sigmaSq
    return (exp x)

main = sample (logNormal 5 1) >>= print

You can see in the source of Data.Random.Source.IO that it just defines the suitable instance for MonadRandom IO.

You can generate a uniform random number from a list as

import Data.Random
import Data.Random.Source.IO

main = sample (randomElement [0..9]) >>= print
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