
I has found this android method TextUtils.regionMatches

But for some reason, so it is not clear how this function works.

The function can be found here:,%20int,%20java.lang.CharSequence,%20int,%20int%29

And the base code for this method here,

Thanks for those who might shed some light on how the function is called.

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public static boolean regionMatches (CharSequence one,
                   int toffset, CharSequence two, int ooffset, int len)

Sample code:

CharSequence one = "asdfQWERTYc1234";
CharSequence two = "ghjklzxcQWERTYg7890kl";
boolean match = TextUtils.regionMatches(one, 4, two, 8, 6);

match is true.


In charsequence one, start from toffset (4) and get a number of characters equal to len (6) => QWERTY

In charsequence two, start from ooffset (8) and get a number of characters equal to len (6) => QWERTY

Both charsequences match, so the method returns true.


I just wrote this to check for "http" at the very first of a string and another example always helps visitors.

url = "url.without/"; // will match
// url = "http://url.with/"; // won't match

String match = "http";
if(!url.regionMatches(true, 0, match, 0, match.length())) {
    //do something
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