
If I have interface and implementing classes like

public interface IA {}
public class X : IA {}
public class Y : IA {}

then this registering is fine

var w = new WindsorContainer();

same as

var w = new WindsorContainer();
w.Register(Component.For<IA>().Instance(new X()));
w.Register(Component.For<IA>().Instance(new Y()));

But if I try to register concrete classes as

var w = new WindsorContainer();
var x1 = new X();
var x2 = new X();

it throws an exception: Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentRegistrationException : Component X could not be registered. There is already a component with that name. Did you want to modify the existing component instead? If not, make sure you specify a unique name.

If it is intended limitation - why? Is there any way to achieve collection resolve without adding interface that is not always necessary?

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Did you want to modify the existing component instead? If not, make sure you specify a unique name.

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