
I am using DataProvider to show some data. The data is related to shows in the theater. I want to show the shows which are "On Season" first and then the shows that are not on season. And all the shows should be ordered alphabetically. I tried to use CSort but I am getting an error. Here is my code:

$dataProviderFiaba = new CActiveDataProvider('Show',
                            'condition'=>'show_type= '.Show::TYPE_FIABA,
                            'defaultOrder'=>'on_season', //TO SHOW THE ON SEASON SHOWS FIRST
                            'asc'=>'title', // TO ORDER ALPHABETICALLY

And the error is Property "CSort.asc" is not defined. So I think I am not using CSort with the correct format. What is the right way to do this kind of sorting?

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You can only use "asc" in the context of attributes for CSort. For example: $mCSort->attributes = array('title'=>array('asc'=>'title', 'desc' => 'title DESC'));

To solve your sorting problem, the following should be sufficent though:

$dataProviderFiaba = new CActiveDataProvider('Show',
                            'condition'=>'show_type= '.Show::TYPE_FIABA,
                            'order'=>'on_season, title'
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