
With a date field I can do this:


With a timestamp field I get the following error:

function abs(interval) does not exist

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Solution 3

This works (and gives the correct sorting):


Unfortunately, as Erwin Brandstetter pointed out, it reduces the granularity of the sorting to a full day.


Use now() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for the purpose.

The reason for the different outcome of your queries is this:

When you subtract two values of type date, the result is an integer and abs() is applicable.
When you subtract two values of type timestamp (or just one is a timestamp), the result is an interval, and abs() is not applicable. You could substitute with a CASE expression:

ORDER BY CASE WHEN expiry > now() THEN expiry - now() ELSE now() - expiry END

Or you can extract() the unix epoch from the resulting interval like @Craig already demonstrated. I quote: "for interval values, the total number of seconds in the interval". Then you can use abs() again:

ORDER BY abs(extract(epoch from (expiry - now())));

age() would just add a more human readable representation to the interval by summing up days into months and years for for bigger intervals. But that's beside the point: the value is only used for sorting.

As your column is of type timestamp, you should use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (or now()) instead of CURRENT_DATE, or you will get inaccurate results (or even incorrect for "today").

Compare with current_timestamp

SELECT the_timestamp > current_timestamp;

The age function is probably what you want when comparing them:

SELECT age(the_timestamp);


regress=# SELECT age(TIMESTAMP '2012-01-01 00:00:00');
 8 mons 17 days
(1 row)

If you want an absolute distance, use:

SELECT abs( extract(epoch from age(the_timestamp)) );
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