
I am unable to get django-grappelli working. Below is what I did -

  1. Installed using pip install django-grappelli.
  2. Added 'grappelli' in INSTALLED_APPS before the 'django.contrib.admin' .
  3. In, added URL definition url(r'^grappelli/', include('grappelli.urls')), before admin url, ie. url(r'^admin/', include(
  4. Executed syncdb and collectstatic commands.

Now when I run command runserver, and browse localhost:8000/admin/, surprisingly I am getting the default admin.

I checked the request traffic in Google Chrome Network tab (in Developers Tool), and I don't see any request for url starting with Grappelli.

I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am using Django 1.4.1-final in virtualenv on Windows 7 machine.

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Solution 2

I found the issue. Actually I had previously overridden the Admin Templates for branding my admin login and top page headers. So, in my template dir, there is admin dir with some custom templates (which I copied from django/contrib/admin/templates and edited as per my requirement). Due to this, Grappelli was not showing any of my changes...

I got the hint from here -

When I removed it, it worked as expected. Also, I just need to visit the admin path, not the grappelli path as defined in


Resolved this issue after adding 'grappelli' at the top of 'django.contrib.admin'.

Adding to Lucian's answer, the documentation itself says,

Insert 'grappelli' at the top of 'django.contrib.admin'.



Taken from :

I had the same thing, I changed the order of the rows and all earned



make sure that the string 'django.contrib.admin' written 1 times

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