
when a form is submited that inserts a record into the database and the operation was successful, I do a redirect and then pass some parameters in the Url to display the newly inserted record along with a header message (i.e., "Insert was successful").

response.sendRedirect(yPage + "?pid=" + ipd + "&feedback=" + form.getFormFeebackSB() );

I would then display in jsp like: <c:out value="${}" />

I use a redirect instead of a forward because I want the operation to be idempotent. When I used forward users who hit refresh after a successful insert most often always clicked retry on the warning popup and it resulted in duplicate inserts.

Our IT department then discovered that I had a XSS vulnerability:


So I changed to this: <c:out value="${}" escapeXml='true'/>

but now any <br> in my FeedbackSB get escaped and I end up with a header message as such

Insert was successful<br>An email was sent to Joe<br>Now Complete the XYZ Form;

what is the standard way to pass messages back to user, while keeping any submits idempotent and protecting against XSS?


I searched Flash Scope and came across this Since my application would require a lot of work to incorporate a framework, the filter mentioned in that link was easy to incorporate and was able to implement flash scope with very little effort.

Was it helpful?


Don't pass the message itself in a redirect. Store the message under a unique key in the session, redirect with the key of this message as URL parameter, then go to the session, get the message, and display it.

I would also remove the message from the session immediately: if the user refreshes, there is no reason to tell him again that the insert was successful.

Most of the MVC frameworks do that for you, using what they usually call a Flash scope (session attributes that are removed from the session as soon as they've been retrieved).

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