
I can't install ruby ree or ruby 1.8.7 on my Mac 10.8.2.

I did that:

$ brew install libksba
$ brew update
$ brew install autoconf automake
$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew install autoconf automake apple-gcc42

Then i try to install ruby 1.8.7 and i can't

$ rvm install 1.8.7
No binary rubies available for: osx/10.8.2/x86_64/ruby-1.8.7-p370.
Continuing with compilation. Please read 'rvm mount' to get more information on binary rubies.
Building 'ruby-1.8.7-p370' using clang - but it's not (fully) supported, expect errors.
Installing Ruby from source to: /Users/serg/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p370, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)...
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #downloading ruby-1.8.7-p370, this may take a while depending on your connection...
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #extracting ruby-1.8.7-p370 to /Users/serg/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.7-p370
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #extracted to /Users/serg/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.7-p370
Applying patch /Users/serg/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.7/stdout-rouge-fix.patch
Applying patch /Users/serg/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.7/no_sslv2.diff
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #configuring
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #compiling
Error running 'make', please read /Users/serg/.rvm/log/ruby-1.8.7-p370/make.log
There has been an error while running make. Halting the installation.
Ruby 'ruby-1.8.7-p370' was built using clang - but it's not (fully) supported, expect errors.
Please be aware that you just installed a ruby that requires        2 patches just to be compiled on up to date linux system.
This may have known and unaccounted for security vulnerabilities.
Please consider upgrading to Ruby 1.9.3-194 which will have all of the latest security patches.
MacBook-Pro-Serg-L-6:smartlearn serg$ rvm remove 1.8.7
Removing /Users/serg/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.7-p370...
/Users/serg/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p370 has already been removed.
Removing ruby-1.8.7-p370 aliases...
Removing ruby-1.8.7-p370 wrappers...
Removing ruby-1.8.7-p370 environments...
Removing ruby-1.8.7-p370 binaries...


Error running 'make', please read /Users/serg/.rvm/log/ruby-1.8.7-p370/make.log
There has been an error while running make. Halting the installation.

Log from make.log is here

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Solution 2

Ok, I found the solution.

  1. Remove Xcode.
  2. From here I downloaded the package for Mountain Lion.
  3. Install downloaded osx-gcc-installer.
  4. Install Xcode (and command-line tools).

That is all.


It looks like rvm did not find apple-gcc42 installed with brew.

Make sure gcc-4.2 is available via PATH, or run installation with path to it:

rvm reinstall 1.8.7 --with-gcc=/path/to/brew/apple-gcc42/gcc-4.2

EDIT1: just checked, RVM searches also for gcc-apple-4.2 so if it is on PATH it will be automatically used by RVM - this was updated in RVM 1.16.8.

I tried the GCC package, installing/uninstalling Xcode, etc, but what I think worked was:

rvm get stable

(The response included another command:

sudo sed -i'' -e "s#rvm_configure_env=('LDFLAGS=-L/opt/sm/pkg/active/lib CFLAGS=-I/opt/sm/pkg/active/include CPATH=/opt/sm/pkg/active/include')#rvm_configure_env=('LDFLAGS=-L/opt/sm/pkg/active/lib' 'CFLAGS=-I/opt/sm/pkg/active/include' 'CPATH=/opt/sm/pkg/active/include')#" /etc/rvmrc


I'm pretty sure this was what led to being able to successfully:

rvm install 1.9.3
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