
I've been reading through the admin api reference documents, but I can't seem to find a way to list aliases already created for the domain.

There is, of course, the addAccountAlias command:

<AddAccountAliasRequest id="{value-of-zimbra-id}" alias="{alias}" />

And the removeAccountAlias command:

<RemoveAccountAliasRequest [id="{value-of-zimbra-id}"] alias="..." />

But I don't see a method to retrieve aliases for a domain. getAllAccounts and getAllDistributionLists don't return them.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

This is the api documentation I'm referencing: Zimbra SOAP Api Reference

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I've found the solution, the aliases for any given account are found in an attribute of the account called "zimbraMailAlias" in the GetAccount/GetAllAccounts response.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""><soap:Header><context xmlns="urn:zimbra"><change token="2499"/></context></soap:Header><soap:Body><GetAllAccountsResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
<account id="343058d1-0b31-4aad-8cc5-1bd819a597a5" name="">
<a n="zimbraMailAlias"></a>
<a n="zimbraMailAlias"></a>
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