
I have an asp:ListView control on an ASP.NET page. It is bound to an EntityDataSource which is setup this way:

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="EntityDataSourceOrders" runat="server" 
        DefaultContainerName="EntitiesContext" EntitySetName="SOrder" 
        EnableDelete="True" EnableInsert="True" 

In SQL Server there are two tables, SOrder and Address. SOrder has a foreign key AddressID to the Address table ("an order has one address"). The address has an alphanumeric field "Name1".

In the LayoutTemplate of the ListView is a link button to sort the orders in the list by Name1 of the order's address:

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="SortButtonName" Text="Name"
                CommandName="Sort" CommandArgument="Address.Name1" />

If I click this button I get an EntitySqlException telling me that "'Address.Name1' could not be resolved in the current context".

Sorting by a "flat" field of the order table - for instance "OrderCode" - works:

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="SortButtonOrderCode" Text="Order number"
                CommandName="Sort" CommandArgument="OrderCode" />

So the exception occurs only when I try to sort by an related field in another table. I was expecting that with the Include="Address" property of the EntityDataSource sorting by fields of the related address should be possible, but it seems not.

I've made a test hack to check the query I expect the EntityDataSource to create internally:

With Linq to Entities:

using (EntitiesContext ctx = new EntitiesContext())
    var result = from order in ctx.SOrder.Include("Address")
                 orderby order.Address.Name1
                 select order;

    foreach (SOrder x in result)
        string test=x.Address.Name1;

Or with Entity SQL:

string queryString = @"SELECT VALUE x FROM SOrder AS x
                     Order By x.Address.Name1";
using (EntitiesContext ctx = new EntitiesContext())
    ObjectQuery<SOrder> query = 
        new ObjectQuery<SOrder>(queryString, ctx).Include("Address");

    foreach (SOrder x in query.Execute(MergeOption.AppendOnly))
        string test=x.Address.Name1;

Both works! I get a sorted result.

Now I am a bit lost how I get this sort operation working in the ListView. Does somebody have an idea what I am doing wrong here?

Thank you in advance!

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I found the solution myself. It's all a matter of three missing characters: In my code above, this ...

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="SortButtonName" Text="Name"
                CommandName="Sort" CommandArgument="Address.Name1" /> WRONG and has to be replaced by:

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="SortButtonName" Text="Name"
                CommandName="Sort" CommandArgument="it.Address.Name1" />

Using "it." for properties of related objects seems to be necessary in contrast to flat fields. Therefore in the second example above both ways are possible:

CommandArgument="it.OrderCode" // works
CommandArgument="OrderCode"    // works as well

The same for "object identities" (primary key fields) of related objects:

CommandArgument="it.Address.AddressID" // works
CommandArgument="Address.AddressID"    // works as well

But again for related properties which are not identities:

CommandArgument="it.Address.Name1" // works
CommandArgument="Address.Name1"    // does NOT work

Crazy, the only place where I could find (accidentally) an indication to this solution, is this video:

How Do I Use the Entity Data Source?

...especially at around 9:40 min of the video.


Associated classes may wont work CommandArguments or eg DropDownList's DataTextField value. You may use Data Transfer Objects for listing and sorting

public class OrderDTO
    public string AddressName1 {get;set;}

using (EntitiesContext ctx = new EntitiesContext())
    var result = from order in ctx.SOrder
                 let dto = new OrderDTO
                                  AddressName1 = order.Address.Name1
                                  //bla bla
                 orderby dto.AddressName1
                 select dto;
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