
i'm trying to use ajaxform plugin with php , please help me I couldn't catch my goal which is

1- the user fill this form ,(( even I want the user to upload a picture but I did my best in coding with no much result so I deleted input type="file" , if you have an idea how to handle this in ajaxform and php please edit my form ))

  < form name="signup" autocomplete="on" id="signup_form" method="get" action="signup_feed.php">
<legend>Sign Up</legend>
<label class="span-4" >First Name*:</label> <input type="text" id="u_fname" name="u_fname"/><br/>
<label class="span-4">Last Name*:</label><input type="text" id="u_lname" name="u_lname"/><br/>
<label class="span-4">Email*:</label><input type="email" id="u_email" name="u_email"/><br/>
<label class="span-4">Password*:</label><input type="password" id="u_pass" name="u_pass"/></br>
<label class="span-4">Re-type Password*:</label><input type="password" name="u_re_pass"/></br>
<label class="span-4">Phone no.:</label><input type="tel" id="u_phone" name="u_phone" /><br/>

<input type="submit"  value="Sign up" class="button" id="sign_up_btn"/>

2- using ajaxform I want values of above form to be submitted , after that there's a countdown 5 seconds to redirect to sign_in.php page

    var options = {

success: function(){
$('#sign_up_div').replaceWith("<div id='signup_success_msg' class='success'></div>");  
        $('#signup_success_msg').html("<h3>You have registered ! </h3>")  
        .fadeIn(1500, function() {  
          $('#signup_success_msg').append("<img id='checkmark' src='img/icon-check.png' />"); 

        $('#signup_success_msg').append('<p>please sign up</p>').delay( 2500 ).fadeOut(1500, function() { $(this).remove(); });



 $('#signup_form').submit(function() { 
        // inside event callbacks 'this' is the DOM element so we first 
        // wrap it in a jQuery object and then invoke ajaxSubmit 

        // !!! Important !!! 
        // always return false to prevent standard browser submit and page navigation 
        return false; 

3- php use redbeansphp to store data

$user = R::dispense( 'user' );

        $id = R::store($user);

        echo "<p> Thank you for resigteration! Please sign in  </p><p id='countdown'></p> 
        <p>if you still see this page , please <label><a href='sign_in.php'>click here</a></label> </p>";

I'm still new at Jquery but I really want to achieve these goals in my forms ..

Was it helpful?


    success : function (response) {


This is working ajaxform in my project. try this.


You can add: setTimeout(function() { location.href = "TARGET_URL"; }, 5000; inside success: function() { }

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