
I don't now if it's place for this question...

I am developing some plugin for jDownloader, I have some problems. First question: How to check link ? I tried this way (but it doesn't work):

LinkChecker lc = new LinkChecker();

I want to check if link is downloadable and after that add it to queue (how to do this ?)

Another question: How to handle captcha ? I want to get captcha code (if appears) and send to service

Thank you very much in advance,

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Solution 2

Ok, thank you for suggestions. Here are solutions (maybe it'ill be useable for someone):

// class:
// method: viaGui()
// This method handle all captcha requests and you can read it in this way:

captchaController.getCaptchaFile().toURI().toURL().toString() // this is the path of captcha file on your computer, you can read this and do anything

Checking a link

You have to add link to LinkCollector and after that you can add files do download list. Here is the code:

                    new LinkCollectingJob(

And after that you can add all added files to download list:

        for (int i = 0, c = LinkCollector.getInstance().getPackages()
                .size(); i < c; i++) {

            if (LinkCollector.getInstance().getPackages().get(i)
                    .getChildren().get(0).getSize() > 0) {
                                        .get(i).getChildren(), true));

Everything works statically so you can create own plugin and implement it anywhere.


You really should look at the JD-Developer Site.

It has sections on how to get started, Captcha recognition, etc...

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