
Most web applications depend on some kind of session with the user (for instance, to retain login status). The session id is kept as a cookie in the user's browser and sent with every request.

To make it hard to guess the next user's session these session-ids need to be sparse and somewhat random. The also have to be unique.

The question is - how to efficiently generate session ids that are sparse and unique?

This question has a good answer for unique random numbers, but it seems not scalable for a large range of numbers, simply because the array will end up taking a lot of memory.


  • GUIDs are considered unsafe as far as security (and randomness) go.
  • The core problem is making sure the numbers are unique, i.e. they don't repeat and making it efficient.
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If you want them to be unique and not easily guessable, why not combine these?

Take a counter (generates unique value for new session) and append random bits generated by a CSPRNG. Make sure to get the minimum number of bits required right.

This should work on a farm as well without hitches: just prefix the counter that is local to a server with an id that is unique to that server.


Where S is server id that created the session, C is the server local counter and R is a crypto random.

(Disclaimer: the number of letters do not correspond to the number of digits/bits you should use in any way. :)

Unique, secure.


You could take a look at the RNGCryptoServiceProvider if you are using .NET.

This is a cryptographically secure way of generating random numbers.

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