
You are allowed to use free-standing blocks like this...

var something = 1;
  var something = 2;
  print("Inside: " + something);
print("Outside: " + something);

This is from:

But what's the point of having blocks like that? What purpose does it serve?

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In ES6 there'll be block scoped variables declared with let, at which free-standing blocks won't be pointless any more.


Free standing blocks don't usually add any value in a script, however they can be used for code organization, such as splitting out an equation:

One Line:
//long equations are hard to read
foo = bar * baz + fizz - buzz;
    //this groups relevant information into a descrete section
    foo = bar;
    foo *= baz;
    foo += fizz;
    foo -= buzz;

Although, long equations that perform operations based on a standard set of inputs are usually broken out into their own function:

As Function:
function qux(bar, baz, fizz, buzz) {
    var ret;
    ret = bar;
    ret *= baz;
    ret += fizz;
    ret -= buzz;
    return ret;

foo = qux(bar, baz, fizz, buzz);

Ooops, I kept reading, and here's my answer:

In fact, although blocks like this are allowed, they are utterly pointless.

You answered your own question. From the article linked in the OP:

In fact, although blocks like this are allowed, they are utterly pointless.

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