
I don't know how to test the performance of these two way of getting what i want.

select * 
from table 
where column like '%'+left(getdate(),11)+"%

select * 
from table 
              DATEPART (DD, column) = DATEPART (DD, GETDATE())  
      AND     DATEPART (MM, column) = DATEPART (MM, GETDATE())  
      AND     DATEPART (YY, column) = DATEPART (YY, GETDATE())
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Typically in SQL you can just loop through executing the statement however many times and calculating the time to execute for each statement. Do this a few times to be sure and compare the results.

declare @startTime datetime
declare @endTime datetime
declare @execution BIGINT

SET @execution = 0

set @startTime = GETDATE()
while (@execution < 1000000)
    --TestSyntax goes here

    SET @execution = @execution + 1

set @endTime = GETDATE()

SELECT DATEDIFF(ms, @endTime, @startTime) AS 'TimeToExecute'

Also know, string comparisons are typically slower in all languages.

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