
here is a jsfiddle

here is my html

<table id="commentsTable">
            <td name="userid"> JIM </td>
            <td name="comment" id="68" class="commentTD">  something   </td>
            <td><a class="edit" href="#">edit</a></td>

and my js:

var update = "update";

$("a.edit").click(function(e) {
    var comment = $(this).closest("tr").find('.commentTD');
    comment.html('<textarea name="comment" class="commentArea">' + comment.text() + '</textarea>');

function bindUpdate() {
    $("a." + update).click(function(e) {
        var commentNewText = $(this).closest('tr').find('textarea.commentArea').val();

I am able to add a textarea and bind a click event to it, but I can't seem to get the new value, I get the old one...

Was it helpful?


The problem is that you're not unbinding the old event from your link, so it still adds a new textarea each time you click it and only THEN it calls the bindUpdate() functionality.

See this updated jsFiddle:

EDIT: I would suggest to save value of $(this) into a variable and re-use it, since you're calling it multiple times, which has a negative impact on performance /jQuery needs to make new object every time you do $(this)/


You're getting your first handler triggered before the new one. If you add unbind to the first handler it work ok (fiddle). To acheive this in a more predictable way you may extract your handlers to the separate functions.

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