
I've gone through the Octopress setup and deploy instructions, and I have Octopress running on Github:

My repo is set to the default branch of Master.

I now want to push changes to the config file, like changing the url:, title: and subtitle:. I made these changes, committed them, and then did a rake deploy, but the changes are not showing up.

What's unclear to me is the difference in process for pushing config changes, content changes and at some point, new updates to the Octopress blog.

For instance, will I use rake deploy to push config and content changes?

Will I ever need to run rake generate or rake deploy again? How do I push source changes when Octopress updates?

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From the documentation, you might want to do a:

 rake generate

before the rake deploy.

This will:

  • generate your blog,
  • copy the generated files into _deploy/,
  • add them to git,
  • commit and push them up to the master branch.

In a few seconds you should get an email from Github telling you that your commit has been received and will be published on your site.

The OP Will Merydith comments:

I am unclear on is if 'rake deploy' is enough to push content changes to the blog.
I'm seeing some issue with content not making it to the blog and am unclear if the error is how I am deploying or something else

I confirm the Rakefile task :deploy will execute default_deploy which will execute task :push.

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