
I would like to change the font for code edition in a Squeak 4.3 image on windows OS, to use if possible the consolas font.

I found nothing in the preferences browser to do that easily. That SO question looked perfect, but none of the answers work in my case.

For example on the line

font := LogicalFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 10.

It fails on the LogicalFont: I get the popup that allows to fix a missing class/variable.

Unknown variable: LogicalFont please correct, or cancel: [...]

Is that solution not suitable for Squeak 4.3, or am I missing some package?

EDIT: as often, I am finding some answer elements after the question has been posted on SO:

I found nothing in the preferences browser to do that easily.

Because the setting is not accessible via the Preference Browser, but via the World menu -> Appearance -> System fonts -> code font.

But I only see a handful of fonts available (beside ComicSans and BitstreamVera), but no Consolas. I do have the preference Offer native fonts enabled, though...

Second Edit: given the answer of Igor Stasenko, I found on SqueakSource a mention of FreeTypePlus that seems the most recent (not often easy for a beginner to find out how to install new software on Squeak, also it seems that Squeak has slowed down since 2006/2007 and some items mentioned in the Swiki are down now...)

So I added on Monticello

    location: ''
    user: ''
    password: ''

And installed FreeType, FreeTypeSubPixelAntiAliasing and PinesoftEnhancementsForFreetype. Now I can see my ttf system fonts...

Was it helpful?


AFAIK, Squeak doesn't includes Freetype support by default.

You may try Pharo, where Freetype is included by default.

Or you can try to install Freetype package in Squeak & download freetype plugin for VM.

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