
In WPF app inside a TabControl there is a TabItem element with one Label. I want to fire the event on MouseClick on the Tab of this TabControl, but the event MouseLeftButtonDown:

<TabItem Header="Header1" MouseLeftButtonDown="TabItem_MouseLeftButtonDown" >
      <Label Height="28" Name="AdderLbl" Width="120" Background="Azure" >Label</Label>

fires only on click over the label. It is not wat I want.

How I could fire the event on MouseClick over the Tab, not its content?

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What are you trying to achieve? It looks like you're trying to trap when the user moves to the tab, if so you can hook a different event SelectionChanged



I did not want selectionchanged event because that would involve a switch. So i wanted an event directly on the tab clicked.

While i thought an MouseDown event was what I was looking for.... after wiring up all sorts of mouse events with break points; i found the MouseUp events worked for me.

So I used MouseLeftButtonUp or MouseUp.

For who really want to use something like MouseLeftButtonDown event, you can use the "MouseUp" event instead. =)

While handling SelectionChanged event is the better approach to handling tab changes, here is a possible solution to your question. I don't recommend it in your case, but it illustrates an approach that may be useful in other cases

                <Button Click="Button_Click">

            <Label Height="28" Name="AdderLbl" Width="120" Background="Azure" >Label</Label>

You need the event Selector.Selected

<TabControl x:Name ="TabControls" Dock="Top" DockWidth="500" DockHeight="500"     TabItemShape="Rounded">

 TabControls.SelectionChanged += SelectionChanged;

 private void SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs selectionChangedEventArgs) {

     var itemTab = (TabItem) TabControls.SelectedItem;

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