
I'm running into this error when trying to do a SQLXMLBulkLoad. Here's the configuration for the object:

Public Shared objbl As New SQLXMLBULKLOADLib.SQLXMLBulkLoad4
objbl.ConnectionString = ReadVariables("Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=db1;Integrated Security=True")
objbl.ErrorLogFile = workingdirectory & "\error.log"
objbl.TempFilePath = workingdirectory
objbl.CheckConstraints = True
objbl.KeepIdentity = False
objbl.Transaction = True
objbl.FireTriggers = True
objbl.Execute(workingdirectory & "\xsdtempfile.xsd", fname)

Both the source and the destination are on locahost.

I'm failing to see what's wrong with my connection string.

The error happens on this line:

objbl.Execute(workingdirectory & "\xsdtempfile.xsd", fname)

Can anyone give me a hand?

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objbl.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;server=localhost;database=db1;integrated security=SSPI"

or try this

objbl.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;server=localhost;database=db1;user id=User;password=Password;persist security info=True;Connect Timeout=30"
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