
On the sqlite-net github page, it indicates that in addition to this library, I also need the compiled sqlite2 binaries:

0 dependencies aside from a compiled form of the sqlite2 library.

I checked that page and I am unable to determine what binaries I should use in order to use it on IOS via MonoTouch; the instructions make it quite clear that this particular use-case was actually the genesis of this project, so this must be supported.

Does anyone know what binaries I am supposed to use on IOS?

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Sqlite - well, Sqlite3 - is part of MonoTouch. In your project you'll need to reference Mono.Data.Sqlite. Right click "References" in your project in MonoDevelop, then select "Edit References".



For sqlite-net on iOS, you don't need anything. It uses p/invoke calls and iOS supports SQLite, so it works out of the box.

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