
I'm running ColdFusion on the backend and wrapping my pages like this:

    <cfsavecontent variable="renderedResults"><p>hello</p></cfsavecontent>
        compressedHTML = reReplace(renderedResults, "\>\s+\<", "> <", "ALL");
        compressedHTML = reReplace(compressedHTML, "\s{2,}", chr(13), "ALL");
        compressedHTML = reReplace(compressedHTML, "\s{2,}", chr(09), "ALL");
        variables.alredayBinary = "false";

    <cfif cgi.HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING contains "gzip">
       <cfinvoke component="services.utils" method="gzip" stringToZip="#compressedHTML#" returnvariable="compressedHTML"></cfinvoke>    
       <cfheader name="Content-Encoding" value="gzip">
       <cfset variables.alredayBinary = "true">

    <cfheader name="Content-Type" value="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <cfheader name="Content-Length" value="#len(compressedHTML)#" >

    <cfif variables.alredayBinary EQ "false">
        <cfcontent reset="no" variable="#ToBinary(compressedHTML)#" />
        <cfcontent reset="no" variable="#compressedHTML#" />    
    <cfreturn  /> 

Although this makes sense to me and seems to work fine on latest browsers, I just had a user produce a flurry of error message using Internet Explorer 6.

The message I'm getting is:

 The parameter 1 of function ToBinary, which is now <HTML STRING> must be a Base-64 encoded string

which tells me, I'm ending up with variables.alredayBinary = false which should convert the HTML string into a binary encoded string.

I'm not sure I understand what toBinary does. Isn't it just for that - taking HTML and converting it? So why the error? Why on IE6 only? I could only test IE8 which is working fine.

Thanks for some hints!

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Going by what the error message is reporting, try supplying a base64 string to ToBinary.

<cfcontent reset="no" variable="#ToBinary(ToBase64(compressedHTML))#" />

Note that Adobe recommends against using ToBinary and ToBase64 and instead recommends using BinaryDecode and BinaryEncode instead. However, for your usage you can just use CharsetDecode instead.

<cfcontent reset="no" variable="#CharsetDecode(compressedHTML, "iso-8859-1")#" />

Note that this would affect more than IE6. Any browser that didn't accept gzip would hit that if statement.

Additional note, in my example I set the encoding to iso-8859-1 as per your code, but would suggest you consider utf-8.

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