
I know this question has been asked a million times but i'm looking for something more specific.

As my site is fully responsive I need the divs to be resized based on a per row basis rather than setting all to one height.

I am using the following modified code to set the heights of all divs within a container:

$.fn.eqHeights = function() {
    var el = $(this);
    if (el.length > 0 && !'eqHeights')) {
        $(window).bind('resize.eqHeights', function() {
        });'eqHeights', true);
    return el.each(function() {
        var curTop = 0;
        var curHighest = 0;
        $(this).children().each(function(indx) {
            var el = $(this),
                elHeight = el.height('auto').outerHeight();

            var thisTop = el.position().top;
            if (curTop > 0 && curTop != thisTop) {
                curHighest = 0;

            if (elHeight > curHighest) {
                curHighest = elHeight;

            curTop = thisTop;


I have var thisTop = el.position().top; to determine which elements are on the same row but am unsure how I can then set all elements in the same row to the highest value?

Currently .height(curHighest); sets all the elements to the same height whether they are on the same row or not.

Thanks for help with this.

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Managed to get this working with the following snippet:

$.fn.eqHeights = function(options) {

    var defaults = {  
        child: false 
    var options = $.extend(defaults, options); 

    var el = $(this);
    if (el.length > 0 && !'eqHeights')) {
        $(window).bind('resize.eqHeights', function() {
        });'eqHeights', true);

    if( options.child && options.child.length > 0 ){
        var elmtns = $(options.child, this);
    } else {
        var elmtns = $(this).children();

    var prevTop = 0;
    var max_height = 0;
    var elements = [];
    elmtns.height('auto').each(function() {

        var thisTop = this.offsetTop;

        if (prevTop > 0 && prevTop != thisTop) {
            max_height = $(this).height();
            elements = [];
        max_height = Math.max(max_height, $(this).height());

        prevTop = this.offsetTop;


I also added the ability to specify a certain element so that this gets the height change instead.




I recently had to do the same thing, this is what I ended up with:

$.fn.equalRowHeights = function() { 

    var count = this.length;

    // set element's height auto so it doesn't mess up when the window resizes

    for (var i = 0; i < count; ) {

        // get offset of current element
        var x = this.eq(i).offset().top;

        // get elements in the same row
        var $rowEls = this.filter(function() {
            return $(this).offset().top === x;

        // set the height elements in the same row
            Math.max.apply(null, $ { 
                return $(this).height(); 

        // set i to avoid unnecessary iterations
        i = $rowEls.filter(':last').index() + 1;    

    var $this = this,
        timer = 0;

    // bind the resize event if it hasn't been added already 
    if (!$'equalRowHeights')) {
        $(window).on('resize.equalRowHeights', function(e) {
            // add a buffer to prevent firing equalRowHeights() too much
            if (timer) {
            timer = setTimeout(function() {
            }, 50);
        $'equalRowHeights', true);

Here's a fiddle

I took dclawson's excellent answer and made some edits so it works in other situations, particularly with nested elements as is commen in bootstrap rows.

$.fn.resEqHeight = function(options) {
    var defaults = {
        child: false
    var options = $.extend(defaults, options);

    var $el = $(this);
    if ($el.length > 0) {
        if(!$'resEqHeight')) {
            $(window).bind('resize.resEqHeight', function () {
            $'resEqHeight', true);
    } else {
        console.log("No items found for resEqHeight.");

    if( options.child && options.child.length > 0 ){
        var elmtns = $(options.child, this);
    } else {
        var elmtns = $(this).children();

    var prevTop = 0;
    var max_height = 0;
    var elements = [];
        .each(function() { $(this).data('', $(this).offset().top ); })
        .each(function(index) {
            var $el2 = $(this);
            var thisTop = $'');

            if (index > 0 && prevTop != thisTop) {
                max_height = $el2.height();
                elements = [];
            max_height = Math.max(max_height, $el2.height());

            prevTop = thisTop;


It works with the same syntax

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