
I've got a table of hardware and a table of incidents. Each hardware has a unique tag, and the incidents are tied to the tag.

How can I select all the hardware which has at least one incident listed as unresolved?

I can't just do a join, because then if one piece of hardware had multiple unresolved issues, it would show up multiple times.

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select distinct(hardware_name) 
from hardware,incidents 
where = incidents.hardware_id and incidents.resolved=0;


Something like this should do it:

Select A.HardwareID A.HadwareName, B.UnresolvedCount
From (Hardware A) 
Inner Join 
  Select HardwareID, Count(1) As UnresolvedCount 
  From Incidents 
  Where Resolved = 0 
  Group By HardwareID
) As B On A.HardwareID = B.HardwareID

This can also work

SELECT, inc.issue, FROM hardware hd INNER JOIN inc ON hd.tag = inc.tag AND inc.issue = 'unresolved' group by 
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