
I need to determine the users/sessions accessing a shared folder on a Windows XP (SP2) machine using a PowerShell script (v 1.0). This is the information displayed using Computer Management | System Tools | Shared Folders | Sessions. Can anyone give me pointers on how to go about this?

I'm guessing it will require a WMI query, but my initial search online didn't reveal what the query details will be.

Thanks, MagicAndi

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I came up with the following script:

$computer = "LocalHost"
$namespace = "root\CIMV2"
$userSessions = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_ServerConnection -computername $computer -namespace $namespace

if($userSessions -ne $null)
    Write-Host "The following users are connected to your PC: "

    foreach ($userSession in $userSessions)
        $userDetails = [string]::Format("User {0} from machine {1} on share: {2}", $userSession.UserName, $userSession.ComputerName, $userSession.ShareName)
        Write-Host $userDetails


The following articles were useful:

As always, if you can't find a way to do it in PowerShell, see if someone has done something similar in C#.


I've modified it a bit to show hostname instead of IP:

$computer = "LocalHost"
$namespace = "root\CIMV2"
$userSessions = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_ServerConnection -computername $computer -namespace $namespace

if($userSessions -ne $null)
    Write-Host "The following users are connected to your PC: "

    foreach ($userSession in $userSessions)
        $ComputerName = []::resolve($usersession.computername).hostname
        $userDetails = [string]::Format("User {0} from machine {1} on share: {2}", $userSession.UserName, $ComputerName, $userSession.ShareName)
        Write-Host $userDetails

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