
I have NERDTree plugin installed but it is always present when I start vim like this:

vim .

I only want it to open on demand.

How can I stop it opening whenever I start vim?

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Try adding

let g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw=0

to your vimrc and make sure there is no other line that sets this variable.


$ vim . always opens a file explorer. If you don't have NERDTree or NERDTree is configured as per ZyX's answer you'll get netrw by default anyway.

I wonder what would happen if the netrw plugin was somehow removed.

In your vimrc file, do below steps

  1. comment autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree, which stops opening nerdTree by default

  2. paste map <C-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> in vimrc, this will open NerdTree only when 'Ctrl+n' is pressed from keyboard

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