
My .net service cleans up all its unmanaged resources by calling resourceName.Dispose() in a finally block before the Main() loop exits.

Do I really have to do this?

Am I correct in thinking that I can’t leak any resources because the process is ending? Windows will close any handles that are no longer being used, right?

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There is no limit to the types of resources that may be encapsulated by an object implementing IDisposable. The vast majority of resources encapsulated by IDisposable objects will be cleaned up by the operating system when a process shuts down, but some programs may use resources the operating system knows nothing about. For example, a database application which requires a locking pattern that isn't supported by the underlying database might use one or more tables to keep track of what things are "checked out" and by whom. A class which "checks out" resources using such tables could ensure in its Dispose method that everything gets checked back in, but if the program shuts down without the class having a chance to clean up the tables, the resources guarded by that table would be left dangling. Since the operating system would have no clue what any of those tables mean, it would have no way of cleaning them up.


It's probably okay to skip this, in that specific case.

The first thing to understand is that while ending the process should by itself be enough to cleanup most things, it's possible for some unmanaged resources to be left in a bad or unclosed state. For example, you might have an app that is licensed per seat, and when the app closes you need to update a database record somewhere to release your license. If a process terminates incorrectly, nothing will make that update happen, and you could end up locking people out of your software. Just because your process terminates isn't an excuse not to do cleanup.

However, in the .Net world with the IDisposable pattern you can get a little more insurance. When the process exits, all remaining finalizers will run. If the Dispose() pattern is implemented properly (and that's a bigger "if" than it should be), the finalizers are still there to take care of any remaining unmanaged resources for their objects...

However, it's good practice to always be in the habit of correctly disposing these things yourself. And FWIW, just calling .Dispose() is not enough to do this correctly. Your .Dispose() call must be included as part of a finally block (including the implicit finally block you get with a using statement).

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