
I want to insert a value from loop in datarow so before entering value in datarow, I want to check that a perticular column NAME exist in table or not.

Please tell me how can I check it. ( preferred).

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I got the answer.and its working . its:

  If dr.Table.Columns.Contains("columnname") = True Then
   --your work---
  End If


Try this

Dim dt As New DataTable
For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    If dc.ColumnName = "" Then

    End If


if dr.Table.Columns("nameColumn") == null then


The shortest solution.

 If dr.Table.Columns.Contains("columnname") Then
     'your code here
 End If

Here is another way to find out if a column exists:

If dataRow.Table.Columns("ColumnName") IsNot Nothing Then
    -- Your code if a column exists
End If

See this answer for further reference when this approach might be handier than the Contains("ColumnName") one.

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