
I have an XML document, and contained within one of the nodes, I have <li> tags. I don't need <ul></ul> tags for Flash because it only accepts <li> tags anyway. For example, here's part of the XML doc:


I want to put all the data within the <node> tags, with bullets, into a TextArea component in Flash 8. Note that my textArea is set to accept HTML, and that

textArea.text = "<li>This is bulleted text</li>";

works just fine. However, the <li> tags within the XML document are being interpreted as a completely different node, which I obviously do not want.

I tried using a CDATA tag within the XML, and it inputted everything between the <node> tags, including the <li> tags with all their brackets. It does that because <li>'s brackets are being interpreted with the equivalent "& lt;" and "& gt;" for the left/right brackets.

So now I'm stuck with an unordered list in my XML file that I can't read into Flash. Unless, of course, somebody here can help me out?

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Solution 2

I figured it out. Turns out I was throwing in .firstChild onto the end of my XML navigation string, meaning it would ignore all the extra <li> tags. Simply remove .firstChild and it returns EVERYTHING between the nodes, meaning Flash can read the <li> tags.


Are you putting in the text into the htmlText-property?

// you posted:
textArea.text = "<li>This is bulleted text</li>";
// it should be:
textArea.htmlText = "<li>This is bulleted text</li>";

Also, try putting the tags in uppercase, as2 can be a bit finicky about that.

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