
Earlier I had ActionLink

 <%: Html.ActionLink("Add Race", "AddRace", 
          new {eventId = Model.EventId,fleetId=Model.SelectedFleet.ID}) %>

on my page..and it is working fine. But now my requirement is it must check if some there is some data in FooEntity then it redirect to another view otherwise it should display an alert message..

so i changed ActionLink to ahref and thinking to use $.ajax call with it..but my action AddRace is written accordingly ActionLink. but now i'm using ahref so i want to make ajaxcall which will return some boolean and based on that i'll redirect or show alert. I need to re-write AddRace Action. I'm pretty new to MVC so confuse in changing my AddRace action.


 <a href="#" onclick='checkFleetAddedandScroing()'>Add Race</a>

Action is:

 public ActionResult AddRace(Guid eventId, Guid fleetId)
            var model = new RaceModel { EventID = eventId, FleetID = fleetId, IsAddPHRFBFactors = IsAddPhrfbFactors(eventId, fleetId) };
            return View(model);
        catch (Exception ex)

Please suggest me how to do it....

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You need to use the same parameters.

<a href="#" onclick='checkFleetAddedandScroing("<%= Url.Action("AddRace", 
    new {eventId = Model.EventId,fleetId=Model.SelectedFleet.ID}  %>")'>Add Race</a>


You don't even need to do an a tag.

 <%: Html.ActionLink("Add Race", "AddRace", 
      new {eventId = Model.EventId,fleetId=Model.SelectedFleet.ID}, 
      new {onclick="return myFunction()"}) %>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function myFunction() {
        return confirm("Click no to cancel the navigation, otherwise click yes");

Then you would do your ajax call in the javascript function and return false when you want to cancel redirect.

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