
Maybe its obvious problem but could you please tell me how can I add custom css styles to forms created by standard view helpers in zend framework 2?

Im trying to attach some styles to forms created by ZfcUser

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Assign the class-attribute :)

        'name' => 'element_name',
        'options' => array(
            'label' => 'element_label'
        'attributes' => array(
            'type' => 'element_type',
            'class'  => 'testing'

Since you want to extend an existing form, you could either grab the Form and then $form->get('elementname')->setAttribute('class','blubb'); or you overwrite the Service-Form from ZfCUser with your custom form that has all styles attached, given above example.


Please refer to this post, maybe the Partial method is the flexible and light choice.

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