
I am trying to commit a sql transaction to MySQL but I get myself past an MySQLSyntaxErrorException.

The code I am using is:

implicit connection => 
            start transaction;
            insert into projects(id_user, name, description) values({idUser}, {name}, {description});
            set @last_id = last_insert_id();
            insert into assigned(id_user, id_project) values({idUser}, @last_id);
    .on('idUser -> idUser,
        'name ->,
        'description -> project.description

The exception I get:

[MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'insert into projects(id_user, name, description) values(1, 'First inserted proje' at line 1]  

I am starting to think that I can't execute such statements at all with Anorm.

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You cannot use transaction that way. You have to understand that anorm is simply a wrapper around existing jdbc libraries. By default, when using the withConnection and SQL :

DB.withConnection { conn => 

Your query is transformed using a PreparedStatement. Meaning the ; chars are causing errors.

Thus, if you want to use transaction, you have to use anorm's mecanism for that.

DB.withTransaction { conn =>
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