
Working on parsing a bunch of databases put together in an older, more freewheeling time into a new schema. Basically it's one database per year, with database names like foo98, foo99, foo2000, etc.

So for the most recent foo data, I can do something like

SELECT foo_person.mdname AS middle_name,
FROM foo_person, foo_place, foo_thing

As you get back into earlier versions of the foo database, middle name isn't stored. I've tried to build a kind of universal query, something like:

SELECT IFNULL(foo_person.mdname, "") AS middle_name,
FROM foo_person, foo_place, foo_thing

but MySQL complains about unknown column foo_person.mdname, which is entirely reasonable as it doesn't exist.

Is there some way to handle non-existent columns with just MySQL syntax, or will I have to write database-specific import queries?

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Could you rename the tables and create views in their place with the missing columns?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but thought I would suggest it.

-- Here is your original table
create table t (fname varchar(30), lname varchar(30));

-- Rename it to something else
alter table t rename to tOrig;

-- Create a view with the columns its missing that you need
create view t as select fname, lname, '' as mname from tOrig;


There isn't any way of handling a non-existent column in sql (as opposed to an empty column).

You can tell whether the column is there or not using the information_schema tables, like so:

select * from information_schema.columns
    where table_name='mytable' and table_schema='mydatabase';

Yes there is a way.

Let's consider these databases

  • DB2009 has Person with Fname, MInitial and LName
  • DB2008 has Person with Fname and LName
  • DB2007 has Person with PersonName

You can do something similar the following (I wrote this for MS SQL Server)

/*all three columns exist*/
SELECT FName, MInitial, LName
From DB2009.Person


/*one column is a forced null */
SELECT FName, NULL as MInitial, LName
From DB2008.Person


/*two columns are derived and one column is a forced null */
SELECT SubString (1, CharIndex (PersonName, ' '), PersonName) as FirstName,
       NULL as MInitial, 
       SubString (CharIndex (PersonName, ' '), len (PersonName), PersonName),
From DB2007.Person

If you're working with heterogenous databases, I would use database-specific import queries anyways. You might need to join some columns and remove some, and truncate some, etc.

Instead of making more complex sql queries, perhaps it would be better to alter the foo98 and foo99 tables to add in the missing columns.

For example, to add a column of type varchar(30) called "mdname" to foo98:

ALTER TABLE foo98 ADD mdname varchar(30) AFTER first_name;

Then you can relax and use the same simple SQL query no matter which tabel is being accessed.

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