How can I programmatically determine (in Python) when someone connects into my windows 7 machine via RDP?



This doesn't need to be a real time solution, but are there some log files or system messages that could be read to identify periods of time where someone was connected via RDP to a Windows 7 machine?

I'm building a watchdog script for a computer which will be deployed in a remote place and would like to add this metric to a daily status update.

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If you look at the Event viewer and the tab Security you can find when people login/logout there. Not sure if it gets logged if the session is just disconnected though.

This seems to be a Python library to access the event log:

Disclaimer: I'm looking at a Windows 2003 server and not Windows 7, so mileage might vary :)


Run with os.system or subprocess module

C:\> netstat -n | find ":3389 "

TCP x.x.x.x:3389  y.y.y.y:zzz ESTABLISHED

Where, x.x.x.x is own IP and y.y.y.y is remote IP, and zzz is remote port.

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