
From time to time I would like to apply some custom extra syntax highlighting on the current buffer.

How can this be done using the build in vim syntax/highlight system (I do not want to use the Highlight plugin)

As example, I would like to highlight all assert statements in current buffer.

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If the highlighting is for certain filetypes (e.g. Java) only, and you want it all the time, I'd extend the original syntax with :syn match ... definitions placed in ~/.vim/after/syntax/java.vim.

For spontaneous highlighting, use :match (or :2match), as dwalter has shown.

If you're gonna write a more elaborate mapping, maybe with toggling on/off logic, use matchadd() / matchdelete().

Finally, if you need highlighting for arbitrary words / strings, like marking up a document with a text marker, I'd suggest the comfort of a plugin like Mark (which I have taken over maintaining).


You can use match and highlight if you want.


    :hi MyAsserts term=bold ctermbg=Cyan
    :match MyAsserts /assert(.*)/

to highlight your assert() statements with Cyan background. :match without any arguments will reset it.

for more information on either highlight or match look at the documentation via :help hi or :help match

To reuse your highlighting you can save those commands in a file and use :source file.vim to load it anytime you want. Another way would be to define a command inside your .vimrc.

     hi MyAsserts ctermbg=Cyan
     command -bar -nargs=0 HiAsserts match MyAsserts /assert(.*)/
     "highlight any given regex
     command -bar -nargs=1 HiIt match MyAsserts /<args>/

and call it with :HiAsserts to highlight your assert() statements or :HiIt foo to highlight every foo in your buffer.

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