
Possible Duplicate:
Is there an easy way to get a Stream as output of a RowParser?

When I have a statement like this when using Anorm in the Play! Framework:

def all(): List[Note] = 
    DB.withConnection { implicit c => SQL("select * from note").as(note *) }

it appears to return a List of my model objects. Can I do this differently so I can get a Stream[Note] instead so it does "lazy" loading of the rows? Or maybe it is already somehow even though it claims to be returning a List.

In other words, if I do all().head I would want it to only have fetched the first row. It appears to me that before the "as" it starts out as a stream, but after "as" it is a List.

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I asked a very similar question yesterday, so you might want to check that out. I gave a solution to your problem, but my question was about having a more elegant/concise way to achieve the same.

If you generate a List, there is nothing lazy about it, your whole result is parsed and returned. However, even if you use a Stream, for performance reasons, you should try to reduce the number of rows already in your query. For example, if you are only interested in the first n rows, you should add limit n, otherwise the database will still be queried for all rows, and you will just save a little time by not parsing them when using Stream instead of List.


Check this link

You can use the apply() method instead of the as() to get the Stream but then you will have to parse the Note yourself.

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