
I'm just curious about how this is done as eventually I want to develop my own single page wordpress theme.

I've seen themes that are all on one page but just scroll down, and as you add a new menu item (or page) it adds a new css section to the page. An example can be seen on this template demo: Wordpress In-Motion theme As you can see, you click the menu links and it takes you down to that section. In the css it adds #news or #about-us

Can someone explain to me how this is created as a function when designing a wordpress theme? Sam

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That has nothing to do with Wordpess. It simply is using anchors to take you down or up the page.

If an element on the page has a unique id, you can create an anchor tag to link to that id (and it will take you there on the page)


<div id="anchor">...</div>
<div id="something-else>...</div>

<a href="#anchor">Click here to go to id=anchor div</a>
<a href="#something-else">Clicker to go to something-else id div</a>

The Wordpress theme you gave an example of also had Javascript or jQuery smoothing - so it would scroll nicely to the anchor, instead of instantly taking you there like plain HTML would do.


Got the answer to this. Added this to my index.php page (slightly modified). For each page I add, a new is added which I can then anchor using jquery, obviously you can add n your own classes and ID's to control how the div will look.

$pages = get_pages( array ( 'sort_order' => 'asc', 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'depth' => 1));

        foreach ( $pages as $page ) {  
            $page_section = str_replace( " ", "", strtolower( $page->post_name ) );
            echo '<div id="' . $page_section . '" ></div>';

Hope this is helpful to someone, Sam

This is done with JavaScript. From what I can tell they use a jQuery plugin called onePageNav, which handles scrolling down to the selected menu section and adding a current class to the correct menu item while scrolling down.

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