
When I use FuzzyFinder plugin to open a new file in MacVim, it opens the new file at the same tab in a new buffer.

How to tell FuzzyFinder to open thoses files in a new MacVim tab?

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Just founded the answer at

You can open a selected item in various ways:

    <CR>  (|g:fuf_keyOpen|)        - opens in a previous window. 
    <C-j> (|g:fuf_keyOpenSplit|)   - opens in a split window. 
    <C-k> (|g:fuf_keyOpenVsplit|)  - opens in a vertical-split window. 
    <C-l> (|g:fuf_keyOpenTabpage|) - opens in a new tab page.

...instead of hitting return, I should press <CTRL-L> to open in a new tab

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