
I would like to know how to adapt section 11.14 of the C++-FAQ-lite to arrays.

Basically, I would want something like this:

class Pool {
  void* allocate(size_t size) {...}
  void deallocate(void* p, size_t size) {...}

void* operator new[](size_t size, Pool& pool) { return pool.allocate(size); }
void operator delete[](void* p, size_t size, Pool& pool) { pool.deallocate(p, size); }

struct Foo {...};

int main() {
  Pool pool;

  Foo* manyFoos = new (pool) Foo [15];

  /* ... */

  delete [] (pool) manyFoos;

However, I have not been able to figure out the correct syntax to declare and call this operator delete[] (pool). Can anybody help here?

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Solution 2

It is impossible. Bjarne reasons that you'll never get it right figuring out the correct pool. His solution is: you must manually call all destructors and then figure out the correct pool to be able to deallocate the memory manually.


Bjarne's FAQ: Is there a placement delete?

Relevant C++ standard sections: Only member operator delete functions with an argument of size_t type are considered for delete expressions. Delete expression syntax does not allow extra parameters.


Call the dtors on the individual objects first and then use:

for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) manyFoos[ i ]->~Foo();
operator delete[] (manyFoos, pool);

You can read the whole FAQ item again and you will find it there.

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