
I am embedding google presentation in my website. But the slides in it are very small and hard to view. Is there some way by I which I could increase the display area of that embedded google presentation. Or, it can't be done at all and I should not waste time searching for it? Thanks

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Is this your document? If so just go into google docs and re-publish the presentation, but choose the large player size.

If it's not your presentation (you don't have access to the presentation in google docs) you can tweak the html:

Here's the markup for the (default) small player:

<iframe src="<your_document_id>" frameborder="0" width="410" height="342"></iframe>

And here's the markup for the (default) large player:

<iframe src="<your_document_id>&size=l" frameborder="0" width="700" height="559"></iframe>
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