How to calculate distance from point A to point B taking into account the availability of roads and public transport?



Imagine I have a PostGIS database with following pieces of information

  1. OSM (OpenStreetMap) of a city,
  2. the roads/streets inside the city and
  3. the routes of public transport in that city.

I want

  1. to calculate distance from building A to building B in that city via streets/roads (for people with cars) and
  2. to estimate the amount of time it takes to get from building A to building B using available public transport (for people without a car).

Is there any ready-made (open source or commercial) software for performing such calculations in PostGIS?

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For public transport planning you should check OpenTripPlanner, too. After the link, you will see various examples, not all works, but Athens does.


It seems that PgRouting does exactly that. Here's an intro.

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