
I have an application which obtains data in JSON format from one of our other servers. The problem I am facing is, there is is significant delay when when requesting for this information. Since a lot of data is passed (approx 1000 records per request where each record is pretty huge) is there a way that compression would help reducing the speed. If so which compression scheme would you recommend.

I read on another thread that they pattern of data also matters a lot on they type of compression that needs to be used. The pattern of data is consistent and resembles the following


Can someone recommend a solution to how I could reduce this delay. They delay is approx 6-8 seconds. I'm using Ruby on Rails to develop this application and the server providing the data uses Python for the most part.

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I would first look at how much of this 8s delay is related to:

  1. Server side processing (how much took for the data to be generated) There are a lot of techniques to improve this time, including:

    • DB indexes

    • caching

    • a faster to_json library

Some excellent resources are the NewRelic podcasts on Rails scalability

  1. Transmission delay(how much time took for the data to be sent between the server and the client)


gzip might significantly reduce the size of text data and optimize load speeds. It's also recommended by YSlow.

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