
I'm a bit out of my element. I've used xsd.exe to create an xsd schema from an xml file, and then to create a C# class from that xsd. That all seems to work fine.

At the moment I'm just trying to get the XML deserialized. The file I'm deserializing if the very same file I used to build the class originally. Here's my code:

String xsdPath=@"C:\Users\tol56881\Documents\dnd4e.xsd";
String xmlPath=@"C:\Users\tol56881\Documents\dnd4e.xml";
String xsdNamespace="";

//Validation stuff
XmlParserContext context = new XmlParserContext(null, null, "", XmlSpace.None);
XmlValidatingReader vr = new XmlValidatingReader(xmlPath, XmlNodeType.Element, context);
vr.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
vr.Schemas.Add(xsdNamespace, xsdPath);
while (vr.Read()) ;

//Actually reading the file
TextReader tr = new StreamReader(xmlPath);
D20Character character = (D20Character)(new XmlSerializer(typeof(D20Character))).Deserialize(tr);

It compile fine, but when I try to run it I get the an error that's repeated for four different objects. I've given an example below, changing the names of the objects.

Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).
error CS0030: Cannot convert type 'Namespace.ObjectName[]' to 'Namespace.ObjectName'
error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Namespace.ObjectName' to 'Namespace.ObjectName[]'

So it seems like the program is trying to go from array to object and back to array, but I'm not really sure. The auto-generated class code is a huge mess that's difficult to wade through. I'm hoping that maybe there's something simple I'm missing here.


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I managed to fix this. Each of the four objects in question were generated as doubly-indexed arrays, such as:

    private loot[][] lootTallyField;


    public loot[][] LootTally
            return this.lootTallyField;
            this.lootTallyField = value;

All I did was remove one set of brackets, and it all seems to be working fine. No problems with deserialization and a quick inspection of the deserialized object makes it look like the data was loaded correctly.

    private loot[] lootTallyField;


    public loot[] LootTally
            return this.lootTallyField;
            this.lootTallyField = value;

Still not sure why xsd.exe made these doubly-indexed if they're not supposed to be. I feel like I'm still missing something, hence why this question is still open.

Particularly, if I ever need to re-generate this code, then I'd need to reapply the fix, which kind of defeats the purpose of using a partial class in the first place...


There is a problem on xsd.exe tool, I will try to explain.

If you have a complexType with a sequence inside that has a child complexType with a sequence and the first one does not have any other elements / attributes, then the generated class will have only 1 generated type, instead of 2 and it will be a double array.

If you make the double array into a single array, you will be able to deserialize your xml just fine. HOWEVER this will produce the following unexpected result. If your xml looks like the below.


Then your deserialized object, in the lootTally array would only contain the value3 and value4 items instead of having all 4.

So you have 2 options to fix this correctly:

  1. Alter the xsd file by adding a dummy in the first sequence, and run xsd.exe again, so that when it generates the class it will not create a double array, and then you can delete the dummy attribute from the class.
  2. Alter the generated class, add a new class named loot which will contain an array of tally objects which you already have (and only need to alter the name).

Please note that in option 2 you may have to change some declarations if you have an XmlArrayItemAttribute to XmlElementAttribute.

Hope this helps

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