
I'm currently trying to render a polygon mesh in isometric (html5 canvas 2d context).
My work is almost done except I cannot find the right calculation/algorithm to find the plane rotation.

In example I have plane A and B defined by 2 vector Ox, Oy

var planeA = {
    Ox: {
        x: 1,
        y: -2,
        x: 1,
    }, Oy: {
        x: 1,
        y: -1,
        z: 0,

var planeB = {
    Ox: {
        x: 0,
        y: 1,
        x: 0,
    }, Oy: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        z: -1,

I want to find alpha (rotation around Ox), beta (rotation around Oy) and gamma (rotation around Oz) to apply on plane A to make plane A have the same normal with plane B.

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First, find the normals by taking the cross-product of the vectors and then normalizing.

To take the cross-product of two vectors, A and B, use this formula:

Cx = Ay*Bz - Az*By
Cy = -Ax*Bz + Az*Bx
Cz = Ax*By - Ay*Bx

(Notice that the order matters. In general, AxBBxA.)

So for your two planes, the cross-products are (1,1,1) and (-1,0,0).

To normalize a vector, divide it by its magnitude. So the normal vectors of your planes are (1/sqrt(3))(1,1,1) and (-1,0,0).

Now to rotate on vector into another (I will assume you have atan2(), and that you have the right-hand rule down cold):

1. Rotate around Ox: to get A into the XZ plane, rotate by atan2(Ay, Az).
2. Rotate around Oy: to get to the correct phi (angle from Oz)). PhiB is atan2(sqrt(Bx2+By2), Bz), so rotate by atan2(sqrt(Bx2+By2), Bz) - atan2(Ax, Az)
3. Rotate around Oz: to get to the correct "longitude", rotate by atan2(By, Bx) - atan2(Ay, Ax).

So in your example, you would rotate A around Ox by π/4 to get (sqrt(2/3), 0, sqrt(1/3)), then around Oy by π/2 - atan(sqrt(2)) to get (1,0,0), then around Oz by π to get (-1,0,0).

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